Flights Getting Back on Track for Kenya Airways

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The Kenya

Kenya Airways has been having a rough few months with flight cancellations and delays. This time, it’s because two of their Boeing 787 Dreamliner airplanes had engine trouble and couldn’t fly. This caused a lot of scheduling issues, especially on May 19th.

The airline had to switch some flights to smaller planes to try and keep things running smoothly. They also had some problems finding pilots and other crew members for certain routes.

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The good news is that Kenya Airways expects to be back to normal by today, May 21st. They’ve been working on getting the engines fixed on those Dreamliners, and it looks like everything should be good to go.

This isn’t the first time Kenya Airways has had problems with their airplanes. Back in December, they had trouble finding parts for their other planes during the holidays. Last month, there was also flooding in Nairobi that caused some flight disruptions.

Kenya Airways flies those Boeing 787 Dreamliners on long trips from their main airport in Nairobi to places like New York, London, and Johannesburg. They also use other airplanes for shorter routes and have an extra Airbus A330 that they lease for even more capacity.


By Jayson O'Neil

Jayson is a car-o-holic, and you will often find him writing about cars & bikes here at DaxStreet. You can reach out to him at [email protected]

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