Zagato and La Squadra’s AGTZ Twin Tail Design Finally Breaks Cover

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Zagato and La Squadra's AGTZ Twin Tail Design Finally Breaks Cover
AGTZ Twin Tail Design by Zagato and La Squadra

In February, the famous car designer Zagato said they wanted to make a special car, called the AGTZ Twin Tail, which they described as having “two souls.” At first, they only showed a small model of the car. But now, they’ve finished making the first full-size version, which they’re displaying at the FuoriConcorso event by Lake Como. They’re only making 19 of these cars, each costing $700,000. That’s a lot of money! For that price, you could buy two GMA T.50 cars. But the Twin Tail is unique because it’s like having two different cars in one.

Jakub Pietrzak, the founder of La Squadra, said, “Our project is for people who want something special in a car, something you don’t see every day, something seen as art.”

Zagato and La Squadra's AGTZ Twin Tail Design Finally Breaks Cover
AGTZ Twin Tail Design by Zagato and La Squadra

The special thing about the Twin Tail is its removable tail made of carbon fiber. You can take it off or put it back on using a special trolley. When the tail is off, you can even display it on the trolley. The car is shorter without the tail, measuring 169.4 inches long, but with the tail, it’s longer, at 188.9 inches. Zagato says this longer tail helps the car go faster and makes it more stable at high speeds.

As for how fast it can go, Zagato says the Twin Tail can go from 0 to 62 mph in less than five seconds and reach speeds over 155 mph. Even though there aren’t many details available yet, it’s impressive that they went from just drawings to a real prototype in just 12 months!

At the FuoriConcorso event on May 25th and 26th, Zagato will show both the long-tail and short-tail versions of the Twin Tail. Nearby, BMW will also show off their new targa concept at the Villa d’Este Concorso d’Eleganza. And there will be other cool cars like the Pura Vision design concept by Pininfarina. It’s going to be an exciting event with lots of amazing cars to see!


By Preksha Sharma

being me means you've got to love cars, coffee and gilmore girls. sorry i don't make the rules.

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