Carlos Sainz Dismisses Talk of Signed 2025 F1 Deal

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Carlos Sainz Dismisses Talk of Signed 2025 F1 Deal
Carlos Sainz, is thinking about offers from Sauber/Audi and Williams for next year

Carlos Sainz, is thinking about offers from Sauber/Audi and Williams for next year. Red Bull and Mercedes are not an option anymore.

Some rumors in the Spanish media claimed that Sainz had already made his decision and signed a contract. But Sainz said that wasn’t true. He finds it funny that people keep making false claims about his future team.

He said, “I’ve seen reports saying I’ve signed. But when I look at those things, it makes me laugh. I remember seeing reports three months ago that I had signed for Mercedes or Red Bull. Obviously, those places are not going to happen. So it’s just funny that people say I’ve signed for Williams.”

Carlos Sainz Dismisses Talk of Signed 2025 F1 Deal
Carlos Sainz, is thinking about offers from Sauber/Audi and Williams for next year

Sainz is happy with the options he has for 2025. But he knows that the big changes coming in 2026 make it hard to decide. He called it a “lottery” to figure out what’s best for his future.

He said, “For me, 2025 is important too. ’26 is a lottery. It’s impossible to predict who will be on top. ’25 is a bit more certain.”

Red Bull announced a new deal with Sergio Perez, which means Sainz has no chance there. But he already knew that. He said, “I already knew for a while, obviously, so nothing new for me.”

Even though Sainz has shown he can win races with Ferrari, he’s not frustrated. He understands how F1 works. He said, “It’s Formula 1. Everyone has a reason for their decisions. In Spain, we say ‘everyday bread,’ which means I’ve seen this in Formula 1 for so many years.”


By Preksha Sharma

being me means you've got to love cars, coffee and gilmore girls. sorry i don't make the rules.

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