After 2025 Snub, Tsunoda Urges Red Bull to Step Up Commitment

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After 2025 Snub, Tsunoda Urges Red Bull to Step Up Commitment
Tsunoda mentioned he's okay staying where he is for now but wants Red Bull to show more commitment to his future

Red Bull recently said Sergio Perez would stay with the team until 2026, which affects other drivers like Carlos Sainz, who must now choose between Williams and Audi.

This decision also impacts Red Bull’s other drivers, including Yuki Tsunoda, Daniel Ricciardo, and Liam Lawson. Tsunoda had a great season in 2024 and seemed ready for a promotion, but Perez’s extension means he might stay with Red Bull’s sister team for another year.

Tsunoda mentioned he’s okay staying where he is for now but wants Red Bull to show more commitment to his future.

“I want more commitment from the contract,” Tsunoda said. “I’m already committed to Red Bull a lot, and I hope they can show more commitment to me too.”

After 2025 Snub, Tsunoda Urges Red Bull to Step Up Commitment
Tsunoda mentioned he’s okay staying where he is for now but wants Red Bull to show more commitment to his future

He added that Perez still needs to perform well in the next two years, and anything can happen in Formula 1.

Tsunoda feels reassured because other teams are showing interest in him, giving him more options if he needs to consider a plan B.

“It’s good that other teams are interested in me,” he said. “I have a few options now, which is growing.”

But Tsunoda’s priority is Red Bull because they’ve been a big part of his career, and he wouldn’t have achieved so much without them.


By Preksha Sharma

being me means you've got to love cars, coffee and gilmore girls. sorry i don't make the rules.

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