Sargeant’s Bahrain F1 GP: Steering Wheel Glitch Leads to Off-road Incident

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Steering wheel brake bias glitch sent Sargeant off road in Bahrain F1 GP

The bias issue during the race turned into a significant challenge for the American driver, causing him to lose control and slide off the track.

Initially facing the prospect of retiring from the race, Sargeant managed to return to the pits where his team swiftly replaced his steering wheel, allowing him to resume racing.

While the replacement initially seemed to solve the problem, Sargeant struggled to regain lost ground and finished in 20th place, far from the front-runners.

Explaining the unexpected incident, Vowles revealed that the brake bias moved unexpectedly to the front of the car, contrary to the driver’s commands, leading to Sargeant’s off-track excursion.

Sargeant himself admitted to feeling bewildered by the situation, describing how the car seemed to act independently of his inputs. He pointed out ongoing electronic issues plaguing their efforts, indicating a need to identify and rectify the underlying problem.

Sargeant's Bahrain F1 GP: Steering Wheel Glitch Leads to Off-road Incident
Sargeant’s Bahrain F1 GP: Steering Wheel Glitch Leads to Off-road Incident

Despite resolving the issue temporarily with the steering wheel replacement, Sargeant emphasized the importance of understanding the root cause to prevent its recurrence in the future.

Moreover, both Sargeant and his teammate Albon faced additional challenges during the race, with unexpected power unit temperature issues hampering their performance.

Albon, starting from 13th position, grappled with engine overheating concerns from the race’s outset, a problem not shared by other Mercedes-powered teams. This issue, coupled with distracting dashboard warnings, hindered his ability to make necessary adjustments, ultimately affecting his race outcome.

Reflecting on the race, Vowles expressed confidence in the team’s overall potential, despite the setbacks encountered. He believed that with a trouble-free race, Albon could have contended for higher positions, given the car’s inherent speed.

Albon acknowledged the difficulties posed by the race circumstances, highlighting promising signs in certain stages but ultimately recognizing the need for improvement to unlock the car’s full performance potential.

In summary, while facing multiple challenges during the race, the team remains focused on addressing technical issues and optimizing performance to achieve better results in future races.


By Sajda

Sajda is a car enthusiast, however, she is more focused on motorbikes.

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