Smart EV Charging: Mitsubishi’s Cost-Saving Solution

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Smart EV Charging: Mitsubishi's Cost-Saving Solution
Smart EV Charging: Mitsubishi's Cost-Saving Solution (Credits: Mitsubishi)

Mitsubishi Motors has been actively engaged in developing a new EV smart charging service in Japan aimed at reducing charging expenses, despite not yet unveiling its forthcoming generation of electric vehicles.

Teaming up with MC Retail Energy and Kaluza, Mitsubishi recently initiated a proof of concept (POC) project to explore this technology. The data gathered during this trial phase will inform future advancements in the technology.

Smart EV Charging: Mitsubishi's Cost-Saving Solution
Smart EV Charging: Mitsubishi’s Cost-Saving Solution (Credits: Mitsubishi)

The EV smart charging service enables owners of Outlander PHEVs to schedule their vehicle charging times via a smartphone app linked to Kaluza’s EV charging-control platform. Utilizing this service, the company automatically determines the most cost-effective charging schedules based on user-defined times and periods of lowest electricity prices.

To access this service, users must enroll in a specialized charging plan developed by MC Retail Energy. No additional equipment purchase is necessary, as the service is managed directly through Mitsubishi Motors’ connected systems, interfacing with Kaluza’s platform.

Since February 2023, Mitsubishi Motors and Kaluza have been collaborating on the development of smart-charging services. Their joint endeavor aims to reduce overall energy expenses and enhance the EV charging experience for users.

Currently, Mitsubishi’s electrified lineup is anchored by the Outlander PHEV, the world’s top-selling plug-in hybrid. Notably, this model constitutes a significant portion of Mitsubishi’s sales in the United States, accounting for approximately half of the brand’s total sales volume.

EV Charging: Mitsubishi’s Cost-Saving Solution">

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