10 Hidden Features That You Didn’t Know Your Ford Has

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Pre-Owned Ford F 150 2
Pre-Owned Ford F-150

If you’re considering a Certified Pre-Owned (CPO) Ford F-150 as your next vehicle, you might already know about its many standout features that have made it America’s best-selling truck for over 40 years.

Known for its rugged towing and hauling capabilities, the F-150 also offers an array of features across its trim levels.

Beyond the familiar, there are hidden features that enhance the ownership experience. Here are some you may find exciting when you visit your Certified Pre-Owned Ford dealer to go through the F-150.

1. Dead Fob? No Problem!

Few things are as frustrating as a dead key fob, especially when you’re far from home.

As modern vehicles, including the F-150, rely heavily on key fobs for entry and operation, a dead fob might seem like a dealbreaker. Fortunately, Ford has a built-in solution.

Each key fob conceals a hidden metal key. Slide it out to manually unlock the driver’s door by removing the rear portion of the handle to expose the keyhole.

Pre-owned Ford F 150 4
Pre-Owned Ford F-150

Once inside, you can start the truck even with a dead fob. For models produced since 2017, there’s a secret compartment at the bottom of the cup holder in the center console near the dashboard.

Place the fob in this chamber, press the ignition button, and your F-150 should start up without issue.

2. Quiet Down That Loud Navigator

While no one enjoys a backseat driver, an overly loud navigation system can be equally annoying.

If you’ve tried turning down the volume, only to lower your music while the navigator stays loud, you’re not alone.

Here’s a simple fix: wait until the system starts giving a direction, then use the volume knob to adjust it. This method allows you to set the navigation volume separately from the sound system.

3. Infotainment Without Keys

Think you need a key fob to use your F-150’s infotainment system? Think again. Recent models allow you to access the system without keys.

This feature is handy if you’re waiting in the truck while the driver has stepped away with the fob.

Even if the vehicle has been off for a while, pressing the infotainment power button will activate the system, letting you listen to the radio or explore apps until the driver returns.

Pre-Owned Ford F-150 3
Pre-Owned Ford F-150

4. Where’s the Jack?

If you’ve owned an F-150 prior to 2015, you likely remember the jack being located under the rear seat. In newer models, the jack has been relocated behind the rear seat.

To access it, look for a small black nylon loop on the passenger-side rear seatback. Pull the loop to fold the seatback forward, revealing a hidden storage area containing the jack and a funnel for emergency gas refills.

5. Alarm with Windows Open

Starting with 2019 models at the Lariat trim level and above, the F-150 includes a feature that lets you secure your vehicle even with the windows open.

After shutting off the power, you’ll see an option in the driver’s instrument cluster to select “perimeter” or “all” sensors. Use the steering wheel controls to highlight and select your preference.

“All” sensors detect any motion inside the truck, ideal for when the truck is unoccupied.

Choosing “perimeter” allows passengers to remain inside while keeping the alarm armed against external tampering. The system also detects glass breaking or unauthorized entry attempts.

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2024 Ford F-150 Platinum Interior

6. Retrieve the Door Code

Lost the factory-set door code for your keypad? Retrieving it is easier than you might think. Use the slot under the cup holder where a dead fob can operate the truck.

Insert the first fob into the slot and press the ignition button without pressing any pedals. After turning the truck on, turn it off and repeat the process with the second fob.

Once the second fob is recognized, the factory door code will appear on the instrument cluster display.

7. Lock Doors with the Keypad

For F-150s equipped with a keypad, locking the doors from outside without the fob is simple.

Press the bottom two buttons on the keypad simultaneously to lock the truck. It’s a quick and convenient option when you don’t have the fob handy.

8. Fix a Black Infotainment Screen

Like any computer, infotainment screens can occasionally freeze or go blank. If this happens, there’s no need to panic or restart the vehicle.

Reset the screen by pressing the infotainment power button and the right arrow button below it simultaneously. Hold the buttons for a few seconds to shut down the system.

After it powers off, wait a moment, and the start-up animation should appear, indicating the system has rebooted and is functioning again.

Pre Owned Ford F 150
Pre-Owned Ford F-150

9. Alternate Use for Paddle Shifters

F-150s equipped with paddle shifters offer more than just manual gear shifting. While in automatic mode, you can use the paddle shifters to control how many gears the truck uses.

Tap the right paddle to display the current gear on the left side of the instrument cluster. From there, use the left paddle to limit the number of gears, going as low as one. To restore gears, use the right paddle.

10. Discover Hidden Storage

Some F-150 models feature hidden compartments in the center console.

Check the rubber mat at the bottom of a storage bin—if it can be lifted, you may uncover a secret space below.

This spot is perfect for stowing small valuables like a wallet or spare key. While not all mats conceal hidden storage, it’s worth checking your model to see if this convenient feature is included.

When you choose a Certified Pre-Owned Ford F-150, you’re not just getting a truck with legendary performance—you’re gaining access to a host of clever and practical features that make ownership even more enjoyable.

Ford Has">
Nathan Henderson

By Nathan Henderson

Its my hobby to know about Cars as well as Bikes and let people know too. With help of Daxstreet I am able to connect with you all ^^

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