F1 Releases Sustainability Report in Drive for Net Zero by 2030

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F1 Releases Sustainability Report in Drive for Net Zero by 2030
Net-Zero Carbon by 2030 target

Formula 1 is making big plans to cut down on its carbon emissions by the year 2030. They want to reduce 50% of the carbon they release compared to what they were putting out in 2018. This includes cutting down on how much energy they use at their facilities, during races, and when they’re traveling.

They’re also promising to find ways to balance out any carbon they can’t cut down on. Even though they don’t have all the details from 2023 yet, they’ve already seen a 13% drop in emissions from 2018 to 2022. That’s a good start, and they’ve been sharing what they’re doing to help reach their goal.

Last year, they had 22 races, and this year, they have a record-breaking 24 races. More races mean more travel, which means more emissions. But Formula 1 says they’re working on ways to make their travel more efficient.

They’ve started using more efficient planes and trucks that run on biofuel to get to the races in Europe. They’re also trying to organize the race calendar better to cut down on unnecessary travel.

F1 Releases Sustainability Report in Drive for Net Zero by 2030
Net-Zero Carbon by 2030 target

Ellen Jones, who’s in charge of energy and sustainability at Formula 1, says they’re also working on using renewable energy at the races. Last year, they tried out generators that ran on biofuel and solar energy at one of the races, and it worked really well. They’re planning to use more renewable energy at future races.

They’re also encouraging the organizers of the races to be more sustainable. Jones says that over 75% of race organizers are using renewable energy at their events, and they want all of them to start doing it.

Formula 1 is also planning to switch to using sustainable fuels for their cars starting in 2026. Even though the cars themselves don’t release a lot of carbon, they want to set an example for other industries to use cleaner fuels.

Jones is confident that they’re on track to meet their goal of reducing emissions by 50% by 2030. She says they’re already seeing the results of their efforts and they’ll keep working to make Formula 1 more sustainable in the future.

The report also talks about how Formula 1 is working to support diversity. They’re offering scholarships to students from underrepresented groups in STEM subjects, and they’re getting more girls involved in racing through programs like the Discover Your Driver karting program in the UK.

F1 Releases Sustainability Report in Drive for Net Zero by 2030">

By Preksha Sharma

being me means you've got to love cars, coffee and gilmore girls. sorry i don't make the rules.

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