Hamilton Urges Formula 1 to Explore New Monaco Grand Prix Setup

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Hamilton Urges Formula 1 to Explore New Monaco Grand Prix Setup
Lewis Hamilton, who won in Monaco twice, said not much has changed about Monaco

The famous street track in Monte Carlo is almost 100 years old, and while some complain about its small spaces and old-fashioned feel, drivers still love it.

The qualifying session on Saturday is very important. It’s one of the best experiences for drivers, but on race day, there aren’t many chances to pass other cars or make smart decisions.

Lewis Hamilton, who won in Monaco twice, said not much has changed about Monaco. The cars are bigger now, and it’s hard to pass without crashing.

Hamilton Urges Formula 1 to Explore New Monaco Grand Prix Setup
Lewis Hamilton, who won in Monaco twice, said not much has changed about Monaco

He thinks maybe they could use special tires for this race to make more pit stops. That could make things more interesting. He also thinks they could try something new for this race instead of it always being the same.

Carlos Sainz from Ferrari said Monaco is always special, but it would be good to find a way to make the race more exciting. Maybe they could find a place on the track where passing is possible. That would make Monaco even better.

He thinks Monaco will always be special for its glamor, but they should still think about how they can make it more exciting for the future.

Formula 1 to Explore New Monaco Grand Prix Setup">

By Preksha Sharma

being me means you've got to love cars, coffee and gilmore girls. sorry i don't make the rules.

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