Another car company is changing its plans. Instead of just making electric cars, Hyundai will make more hybrid cars too. Ford and GM already made this choice earlier, and now it’s Hyundai’s turn. They said they’ll make more hybrid cars at their factory in Georgia, USA. They were going to make only electric cars there before.
Hyundai looked at how many cars they sold in the first three months of this year. They saw that people wanted more hybrid cars. In Korea, over 20% of the cars they sold were hybrids. In the United States, it was almost 11%. But fewer people bought Hyundai’s electric cars this year compared to last year. In Korea, sales went down by about half, and in the US, it went down by more than 1%.
One reason why fewer people are buying Hyundai’s electric cars might be because they can’t get a tax credit from the government. But this will change later this year when Hyundai starts making cars in Georgia.

Even though electric car sales aren’t growing as fast as people hoped, it’s not all bad news. Hyundai sold a lot of electric cars in March, double what they sold last year. Their overall sales for all types of cars went up in the first three months of the year. Hyundai’s electric cars are good too. They can go far on one charge, they have cool technology, and they look nice.
Hyundai’s sister company, Kia, also said something similar in April. They saw that fewer people want electric cars now, so they’ll make more hybrid cars. They still want to make electric cars, but they’ll be cheaper and there will be more options. Kia will start making electric cars in the US too, which might help sales.