Nissan Charges Ahead with Next-Gen Battery Tech: Making Electric Cars Even Better

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Charting The Road Ahead Nissan's Ambitious Plans For Model Expansion And Electrification
Charting The Road Ahead Nissan's Ambitious Plans For Model Expansion And Electrification

Nissan is revving its engines for the future of electric vehicles (EVs) with a new battery technology called “all-solid-state.” They firmly believe it will be a game-changer in the grand scheme of Electric Vehicles.

This week, Nissan revealed a special production line dedicated to building these new batteries. Their goal is to get them powering a wide range of electric vehicles, including even pickup trucks, by early 2029.

These new batteries could be twice as powerful as the ones currently used in EVs, all while costing less. Plus, charging times could be a third faster.

Nissan is pouring resources into this research, from fancy machinery to studying materials at the molecular level. They’re confident that solid-state batteries will make their electric cars even better, across the board.

Solid State battery pilot line in a nissan factory (Credits: Nissan)

In a bid to make their electric vehicles more competitive, Nissan is stepping on the gas with next-generation battery technology. Their secret weapon is the All-solid-state batteries (ASSBs).

Here’s why they’re so ambitious: ASSBs could hold double the energy of today’s lithium-ion batteries all at a lower cost. That translates to electric vehicles that can travel farther on a single charge.

Nissan is serious about making this happen. They’ve already started building a factory specifically for ASSB production and are conducting in-depth research on the materials that make these batteries work right down to the molecular level.

By 2028, they aim to be building their own ASSBs and rolling out electric vehicles equipped with this powerful new technology.

Nissan Charges Ahead with Next-Gen Battery Tech: Making Electric Cars Even Better">

By Jayson O'Neil

Jayson is a car-o-holic, and you will often find him writing about cars & bikes here at DaxStreet. You can reach out to him at [email protected]

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