This summer, a lot of the American Midwest will see a big hatching of cicadas. There are two main groups: Brood XIX, which comes out every 13 years, and Brood XII, which appears every 17 years. These cicadas will swarm mainly in Illinois, Missouri, and Georgia, but they’ll also be in fourteen other states from Texas to Maryland. They might not cause destruction like Mothra, but they can still be a pain for your car. Whether you’re driving into a bunch of them or they’re getting stuck in your car, here’s what you should know.
If you drive through a bunch of cicadas, there are a few things to watch out for. They could block your vision, damage your car’s paint, clog up your radiator, or even hit you if your window is down.
If a cicada hits your windshield, it could make it hard to see, especially if you don’t have any washer fluid left. Make sure to keep your washer fluid topped up and carry extra with you. Clean your windshield whenever you stop for gas. Cicadas won’t crack your windshield, but they could make existing cracks worse, so take care of them.
If cicada guts get on your car’s paint, try to clean them off as soon as you can. Cicada guts are acidic and can damage your paint if they stay on too long. Wash your car often this summer, especially the mirrors and bumpers, where most of the damage happens.

If you hit a lot of cicadas, your car might start to overheat because they block airflow to the radiator. If your car has a grille with big openings, you might want to put mesh behind it to catch the bugs. And if your grille already has tight mesh, make sure to clean it out often.
Sometimes cicadas try to burrow into your car, especially into the filters. So, listen for strange noises coming from the filters and clean them out if needed. If you don’t want to touch the bugs, you can take your car to a service shop.
Be careful this summer and try to keep your car cicada-free. Staying calm when faced with a swarm of bugs could save you a lot of money or even a trip to the hospital. Good luck!