Floating Railway Proposed for Moon’s Transportation Network by NASA

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Floating Railway Proposed for Moon's Transportation Network by NASA
NASA's "Moon to Mars" project

NASA’s “Moon to Mars” project wants people to live on the moon and travel to Mars. To do this safely, they need to build things there, like a floating railway.

This railway is called the Flexible Levitation on a Track (FLOAT) system. It’s like a robot train that can carry things. NASA thinks it can use it to move rocks and tools around.

But don’t imagine a regular train. These FLOAT trains don’t have engines. They use special magnets to float over a track made of flexible film. It’s a bit like a road in a video game.

Floating Railway Proposed for Moon's Transportation Network by NASA
NASA’s “Moon to Mars” project

The FLOAT system is cool because it can carry a lot of stuff without needing a solid track. It can move over rough ground, like on the moon. And it’s smart enough to move without a human controlling it.

But before FLOAT trains can zoom around the moon, NASA needs to do more tests. They have to make sure it works in different conditions, like extreme temperatures and rough terrain.

FLOAT is just one of NASA’s ideas for exploring space. They have other cool ideas, like a super-fast rocket that could take people to Mars in just two months. These ideas might change the way we explore space in the future.


By Preksha Sharma

being me means you've got to love cars, coffee and gilmore girls. sorry i don't make the rules.

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