In a tragic multi-vehicle crash in San Francisco, a woman named Linh Luu survived while her boyfriend, Mikhael “Misha” Romanenko, and their dog, Keeper, lost their lives. The accident, which occurred on January 19, 2025, involved seven vehicles and left the community in shock.
The crash took place just after 6:00 p.m. at the intersection of 6th and Harrison streets. According to reports, a black Tesla, driven by 66-year-old Jia Lin Zheng, was traveling at an alarming speed of 98 miles per hour when it collided with multiple vehicles, including an autonomous car. The impact was so severe that it caused significant damage to all the vehicles involved.
Linh Luu, who was in the car with her boyfriend and their dog, was on her way to pick up her aunt and grandmother to take them to the airport.
The couple had been planning a life together, but their dreams were shattered in an instant. Luu was hospitalized with multiple broken bones and other injuries, while Romanenko and Keeper did not survive the crash.
From her hospital bed, Luu recounted the moments leading up to the crash. She remembered looking over at Romanenko and saying, “I love you,” to which he responded, “I love you too.”
Moments later, the crash occurred, and Luu found herself being wheeled into different rooms in the hospital. She described the experience as surreal and expressed her disbelief at surviving the accident while losing her loved ones.
The driver of the Tesla, Jia Lin Zheng, was arrested and booked on vehicular manslaughter charges. According to the police report, Zheng did not have alcohol in his system at the time of the crash.
He claimed that he had been pressing the brakes, but the vehicle failed to slow down or stop. The investigation is ongoing, and authorities are working to determine the exact cause of the crash.
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Luu’s memories of the night are hazy, but she vividly recalls the final exchange with Romanenko and the moment she realized he was motionless in the car. She expressed her grief and longing for her boyfriend, describing him as a joyful and kind person who brought happiness to everyone around him.
Luu’s story has touched the hearts of many, and the community has rallied around her, offering support and condolences.
The crash has also raised questions about the safety of the intersection where it occurred. Luu mentioned that the design of 6th Street allows for high speeds until drivers reach the stoplight, which may have contributed to the severity of the accident.
As she continues to recover, Luu is determined to find out exactly what happened and to ensure that her boyfriend and dog are remembered for the joy they brought to her life. In the wake of the tragedy, Luu’s resilience and determination to seek answers have inspired many.
Her story serves as a reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing every moment with loved ones. The community’s support has been a source of strength for Luu as she navigates the difficult path of recovery and healing.
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