As the number of car buyers is increasing simultaneously, the number of road casualties is also increasing. According to the sources, there were an estimated 1.35 million deaths across the globe in 2016. More than 25 million people get engaged in these road accident casualties; This number would have also increased now. Most people in these road accidents were between the age of 15 to 44.
United Nations have been taking steps to improve these numbers, aiming to reduce these accidents by half by 2030.
Here Are The Countries With Maximum Road Accident Casualties!
Today we will discuss countries with the highest number of road accident casualties. Below are the top 5 countries with the most casualties and accidents on the road.
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1. The United States of America
The USA is the country with the most number of road accidents and injuries. Over the years, the USA has been on the top of the list. Also, the USA has the largest road network. Therefore, it may lead to more mishappenings on the road. The last recorded data for road accidents in the USA is more than 100,000 deaths per year and approximately 5 million casualties. These deaths include car crashes, the death of pedestrians, and much more.

2. Japan
Japan is the second most dangerous country with road accidents, with a record of more than half a million road accidents. Therefore, causing approximately 10,000 deaths in a year. This country is also home to many big automobile companies. And it has the third largest automobile market around the world.

3. India
India has got the second highest road network which has caused a lot of road mishappenings. With the second largest population in the world, India is third on the list of most road accident casualties. India recorded just less than half a million road accidents. Thus, more than 200,000 deaths per year. Therefore, India is the country with the most number of deaths.

4. Germany
Most road casualties in Europe happen in Germany. It is the fourth country with the most accidents and deaths. Germany has recorded more than 400,000 road accidents and nearly 10,000 deaths. Germany is also Europe’s largest car producer.

5. Taiwan
A number we have Taiwan with the highest number of accidents on the road. It has got almost the same record as Germany. Taiwan recorded around 400,000 casualties on the road, with approximately 5,000 deaths. Taiwan is just a small Asian country; even then, it is the fifth on the list of most casualties.

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With the rising numbers of road accident casualties, governments must take initiatives to reduce them as this is one of the major reasons for deaths.