How Car Manufacturers Lobby Against Stricter Emission Standards in the USA

How Car Manufacturers Lobby Against Stricter Emission Standards in the USA

A new analysis of the lobbying activities of 15 major automakers and eight trade organizations has revealed that the car manufacturers producing the smallest share of electric vehicles (EVs) are the most active in opposing…

Should Cars Be Banned in Major U.S. Cities to Boost Public Transit?

Why Some Cities Are Banning Cars

In many developed countries, automobiles dominate the roads. In the United States, in particular, city planning prioritizes moving cars as efficiently as possible, often neglecting infrastructure for alternative modes of transportation. A clear example of…

Vehicle Emission Standards, Fair Rules or an Attack on Consumers?

Vehicle Emission Standards Fair Rules or an Attack on Consumers

Vehicle emission standards have long been a contentious issue, sparking debates about their necessity and impact. Governments around the world have implemented stringent emission standards to curb pollution and mitigate the effects of climate change.…