Aston Martin’s Unwavering Commitment to F1 Upgrades

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Aston Martin's Unwavering Commitment to F1 Upgrades
Aston Martin team boss, Mike Krack, thinks things are different this year

A big update was made to Aston Martin’s Formula 1 car to make it faster, but it ended up making the car harder to drive. This caused Fernando Alonso to crash during practice.

This problem made people worry that Aston Martin could have the same troubles as last year when their upgrades didn’t work well.

But the team boss, Mike Krack, thinks things are different this year. He wants to find out what went wrong and fix it.

He said, “You guys are always quite quick with such conclusions. We had the same I think in Mexico, and then we were on the podium the week after. In Germany, we say let’s keep the church in the town. So, let’s analyse what we have. We have some lessons to learn from what we have introduced, and we will do so and try to be stronger next week.”

Even though Monaco is a tough track, Krack said they won’t remove the new parts from the car.

“The upgrades are certainly a step forward and there’s no need to roll them off,” he said.

Aston Martin's Unwavering Commitment to F1 Upgrades
Aston Martin team boss, Mike Krack, thinks things are different this year

What changed on the Aston Martin:

  1. Front Wing and Nose: They were changed a lot. The upper flaps of the front wing have a new V-shape. This helps to control the airflow better.
  2. Endplate: It was modified to improve airflow around the wing.
  3. Nose Shape: The tip of the nose is new and positioned further forward. It also has a central support bracket.
  4. Floor, Floor Fences, Edge Wing, and Diffuser: Many changes were made here to make the car faster.
  5. Rear Suspension Fairings and Rear Brake Ducts: These parts were also changed to improve aerodynamics.

These changes were made to make the car faster. But sometimes, changes can make things worse. The team will work hard to make sure the car is better for the next race.


By Preksha Sharma

being me means you've got to love cars, coffee and gilmore girls. sorry i don't make the rules.

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