No More Late Flights? Amsterdam Airport Might Lose Airlines with New Night Ban

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Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport interior design (Credits: National Defense PAC)

People who live near airports are happy – politicians are making airports quieter at night by limiting flights during those hours. This sounds good, but it’s causing trouble for airlines.

Here’s why:

Cargo Planes Work Best at Night: Cargo planes rely on the quiet nighttime hours to operate efficiently. They’re also older and cheaper planes, so airlines can afford to keep them parked during the day.

Low-Cost Airlines Need Busy Planes: Airlines that offer cheap flights try to keep their planes flying as much as possible to make money. This means starting flights early in the morning, which might be during the new quiet time at airports.

Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport (Credits: Conde Nast Traveler)

Some airplane pilots are worried that cramming all the flights into a shorter time period could actually be less safe. They’re concerned that the pressure to get flights out on time could lead to mistakes. This isn’t the first time limiting night flights has caused problems.

In Belgium, a big cargo shipping company decided to move to a different airport in Germany because they couldn’t operate freely at night. The Netherlands plans to restrict night flights at Amsterdam Airport by the end of 2025. Airlines aren’t happy, but it looks like the new rules are going to happen anyway.

History Repeats Itself: Night Flight Fight in the Netherlands

Remember the big cargo company DHL? Back in 2004, they were going to make Brussels Airport their main hub in Europe. But then Belgium limited flights at night to keep noise down. Because of that, DHL decided to move to a different airport in Germany instead.

Now, something similar is happening in the Netherlands. Amsterdam Airport, called Schiphol, is also planning to limit night flights. Airlines are worried this will chase them away, just like what happened with DHL in Belgium.4

Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport (Credits: Airport-Industry News)

The Dutch government is stuck in the middle. People who live near the airport want peace and quiet, but airlines are important for business and travel. Nobody knows for sure how this will play out, but one thing’s for sure: airlines aren’t happy about it!


By Park-Shin Jung

I am Park-Shin Jung. I am a professional content writer for cars.

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