Electric Cars Zooming Past the US: Who’s Leading the Charge?

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Japanese Still Not Interested in Electric Cars or Plug-In Vehicles
Japanese Still Not Interested in Electric Cars or Plug-In Vehicles (Credits: Reuters)

Electric vehicles (EVs) are like the coolest new game everyone’s playing, but the US is lagging behind. All over the world, people are buying EVs faster than ever before.

In fact, in 2023, a whopping 13.7 million EVs were sold worldwide. That’s almost 1 in 5 new cars being electric.

China is the champion in this race, with tons of EVs on the road. Here in the US, they’re moving slower, with only about 9% of new cars being electric. That’s half the global average, but it’s better than last year.

EV Sales Report 2024 (Credit: BloombergNEF)

The point is that the faster they switch to EVs, the more benefits they’ll get, like cleaner air and less dependence on fossil fuels.

Stuck in Second Gear on Electric Cars

The US is falling behind in the electric car race, they might have Tesla, but other countries like China and Europe have way more electric car options.

Why? Because some laws were meant to protect American businesses. These laws did bring more electric car factories to the US, but they’re still getting started, so not many new cars are coming out yet.

Basically, the US needs to hit the gas pedal on electric cars if they want to catch up.


By Rajdeep Singh

Rajdeep (New Delhi) sparks electric vehicle enthusiasm with engaging content, empowering everyone to join the EV revolution.

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