Selecting the most budget-friendly battery for your Rivian R1T pickup or R1S SUV now means choosing the 270-mile lithium iron phosphate (LFP) option. At this price point, it represents a good value considering the base price of these electric vehicles.
While it may not boast the fastest charging speeds or the highest energy density of other battery chemistries, the LFP pack offers distinct advantages. Let’s explore what you can expect from this battery in terms of charging performance and usability.
Keeping your Rivian’s battery healthy involves occasional full charges to calibrate the system. This process also ensures accurate range readings.

The charging profile of Rivian’s 92.5-kWh LFP battery pack. Independent testing reveals a fast initial charging phase, exceeding 190 kW up to 25% capacity. The rate then tapers down in stages, reaching 30 kW at nearly full charge.
This indicates that DC fast charging is most beneficial up to around 70% for efficient use of time and resources. Home or destination charging may be more economical for topping off, especially considering potential cost savings during off-peak hours.
While a complete DC fast charge takes roughly 75 minutes, software updates scheduled for August promise to further optimize this battery’s capabilities.
Even with the current charging curve, the 270-mile range easily covers commutes and weekend errands, with enough buffer for home charging on Sundays to ensure a fully charged battery for the week ahead.