Perez had a big crash when Magnussen tried to pass him at Beau Rivage. Magnussen tried to squeeze in, but there wasn’t enough space, so Perez hit the barrier. Then, Perez hit Hulkenberg while trying to get out of the mess.
The stewards didn’t do anything about it. Magnussen said Perez didn’t leave space, but Perez disagreed. He said Magnussen should have backed off.
“If you see my camera view, you can’t see Magnussen’s car anywhere near mine. There just wasn’t room for both of us. He should have backed off,” Perez explained.

“I’m really surprised they didn’t investigate the crash. It was dangerous,” he added.
Perez didn’t agree with Magnussen’s opinion. He said Magnussen should have backed off since he wasn’t even beside him. He thought Magnussen’s driving was dangerous.
“He shouldn’t have been there in the first place. He had to choose: hit me or hit the wall. How could I leave him space if he wasn’t even beside me?” Perez questioned.
“He didn’t seem to care about what would happen. Sometimes you have to make a quick decision and say, ‘Okay, there’s only one way this will end, so I better back off.’ But he chose to crash,” he concluded.