Plan Underway to Dynamically Remove Obstructing Cargo Ship in Baltimore

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Plan Underway to Dynamically Remove Obstructing Cargo Ship in Baltimore
Stuck Cargo Ship in Baltimore

The big Dali container ship has been stuck in Baltimore since March when it crashed into and broke the Francis Scott Key bridge. The ship lost power and hit one of the supports of the bridge, which caused it to collapse and six workers on the bridge died. Now, engineers are planning to blow up what’s left of the bridge so they can move the ship and take it back to port.

Workers at the bridge site are going to use controlled explosions to break apart parts of the bridge that are on the ship. If they can do this successfully, they’ll be able to move the ship and take it back to port. They’re going to use small charges to break down the part of the bridge that’s on the ship into smaller pieces.

Plan Underway to Dynamically Remove Obstructing Cargo Ship in Baltimore
Stuck Cargo Ship in Baltimore

To help with this, experts from the U.S. Army are helping out. They’ll set up the charges along the part of the bridge that’s collapsed on the ship to break it down safely and quickly.

This is going to be a big job. Engineers have to remove thousands of tons of steel and road from the ship. Because it’s dangerous work, people who live nearby are being told to stay away from the area. There’s even a 2,000-foot safety zone set up, and anyone inside it has to wear ear protection when the explosions happen.

The explosions will happen when everything is ready and conditions are right. They hope to have the bridge gone and the ship moved by the end of the week. If they succeed, it will be almost seven weeks since the Dali ship first crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge back on March 26.


By Preksha Sharma

being me means you've got to love cars, coffee and gilmore girls. sorry i don't make the rules.

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