Andrew Grimm, a 35-year-old from Portland, Oregon, found himself in a legal battle after his car was towed and he was charged $514 to get it back. In December 2017, Grimm parked his car downtown, paid for parking through the Parking Kitty app for an hour and 19 minutes, but left his car there for seven days without extending the parking time. Over time, tickets piled up on the car, and it was eventually towed.
Man Sues City After Paying $514 to Retrieve Towed Car
Grimm retrieved his car but decided to fight back, filing a lawsuit against the city in January 2018. He argued that the city violated his rights by not giving him proper notice before towing his vehicle. His lawyer claimed that the city should have notified him through the Parking Kitty app.

However, the court disagreed, ruling that the tickets placed on the car were sufficient notice. It also noted that Grimm’s car was registered under his father’s name, so the city did not have his contact details. The court said it was not the city’s responsibility to use additional means, like the app, to inform him.
The case went through several appeals, but Grimm lost his legal battle last week, seven years after it began. The court stated that the city had followed all legal requirements for notifying car owners before towing.
Grimm was also fined for expired registration tags on his car, even though his vehicle’s registration was otherwise up to date. The case highlighted debates on how cities should notify owners before towing vehicles, with organizations weighing in on both sides.
This situation serves as a reminder to drivers to stay on top of parking rules and ensure their vehicle information is current to avoid similar issues.